The SLE Test of Reading Comprehension
Whether retesting or being evaluated for the first time, understanding the nuances of the SLE reading test, officially known as the Test of Reading Comprehension, is crucial for anyone aiming to excel in this critical language evaluation.
The SLE reading test is one of three exams on Canada’s Second Language Evaluation (SLE) — reading, writing, and oral communication — and is a required assessment for government and crown cooperation workers in or seeking a bilingual position.
This article focuses on the supervised and unsupervised versions of the SLE reading test with a comprehensive view of the format, scoring, and types of questions you will encounter.
In this article, you will learn:
- The supervised and unsupervised SLE reading test formats.
- Detailed scoring criteria for each level in both test formats.
- Sample questions from the SLE Reading Comprehension Practice Test, with insights on approaching them.
What is the SLE Test of Reading Comprehension?
The Reading Comprehension Test is a timed, multiple-choice exam primarily administered online and designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to understand written texts effectively.
The test features a variety of questions using scenarios on workplace-related topics, including:
- Emails
- Notes/memos
- Letters
- Information bulletins
- Excerpts from reports
- Research papers
SLE Reading Test Format
The SLE Reading Test is currently administered in two formats: Supervised and Unsupervised. These formats are used based on the preferences of an agency or department.
While the supervised version is the traditional format for the SLE reading test, the unsupervised option was introduced in October 2022 and has become the preferred format for many administrators.
The primary differences between the tests are the number of questions, the allotted time, scoring and proctoring.
Here is a comprehensive look at the two formats.
Test of Reading Comprehension – Formats |
Supervised |
Unsupervised |
Levels on the Test of Reading Comprehension
Candidates taking SLE tests can receive the following levels: A, B, and C. Each level represents a different degree of understanding and ability to interpret written texts, particularly in the context of workplace-related scenarios.
Level A is the lowest proficiency level, and Level C is the highest. Depending on the test, candidates can also earn exemption status (“E”). If learners do not score high enough to earn Level A, they will be assigned an “X.”
These scores will be added as the first letter of a reader’s SLE three-letter profile. For instance, if a person has a CBC profile, the first C denotes a Level C earned in their latest attempt at the Test of Reading Comprehension.
Let’s look at how each level is weighed.
Level A – Basic Comprehension
Scope: This level requires comprehension of texts on topics of limited scope.
Skills Demonstrated: A candidate at Level A can understand simple texts with elementary information and grasp the main idea of texts on familiar topics. This level indicates a foundational understanding suitable for comprehending straightforward and basic written materials.
Level B – Intermediate Comprehension
Scope: Level B entails comprehension of most descriptive or factual material on work-related topics.
Skills Demonstrated: At this intermediate level, candidates can grasp the main idea of most work-related texts, identify specific details, and distinguish between main and subsidiary ideas. This reflects an ability to navigate more complex texts than those at Level A, including detailed descriptions and factual reports.
Level C – Advanced Comprehension
Scope: This highest level requires comprehension of texts dealing with a wide variety of work-related topics.
Skills Demonstrated: Candidates at Level C can understand most complex details, inferences, and fine points of meaning. They demonstrate good comprehension of specialized or less familiar material. This level signifies a high proficiency in reading comprehension, enabling the candidate to understand and interpret complex and abstract written content.
SLE levels are determined based on the number of correct answers a candidate provides in the test. The scoring system accurately reflects a candidate’s ability to understand and process written information in a professional setting.
Here are the levels and the respective scores:
Scoring |
Levels | Supervised | Unsupervised |
Exemption (E) | 45-50 | N/A |
Level C | 38-44 | 19-25 |
Level B | 28-37 | 14-18 |
Level A | 18-27 | 9-13 |
X | 0-17 | 0-8 |
Example Questions for the SLE Reading Test
To better prepare for the SLE reading test, it’s beneficial to familiarize oneself with the types of questions that are typically asked.
The Public Service Commission provides practice questions in their guide “Préparation à l’évaluation du français langue seconde: COMPRÉHENSION DE L’ÉCRIT 1 ET 2”, which serve as excellent examples.
Here, we’ll explore two primary question types from this resource.
Question Type 1: Fill in the Blank
Format: This question type involves selecting the best word or group of words to complete a sentence from four response options.
Example Question:
À : Aline Richer
De : Olivia Péréra
Objet : Remise de rapport
Je t’envoie par courriel le rapport trimestriel que tu m’avais demandé _________ (A). Il faut que tu m’envoies le plus vite possible tes commentaires. Nous avons avancé la réunion de demain après-midi. Elle _________ (B) à 10 h au lieu de 14 h.
To: Aline Richer
From: Olivia Péréra
Subject: Report Submission
I am sending you by email the quarterly report that you had asked me for _________ (A). Please send me your comments as soon as possible. We have moved up the meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. It _________ (B) at 10 a.m. instead of 2 p.m.
Question 1: Choisissez le mot le plus approprié à insérer dans l’espace en blanc « A ».
(Choose the most appropriate word to insert in the blank “A.”)
- Demain (tomorrow)
- Prochainement (soon)
- Hier (yesterday)
- Bientôt (shortly)
Question 2: Choisissez l’expression la plus appropriée à insérer dans l’espace en blanc « B ».
(Choose the most appropriate expression to insert in the blank space “B.”)
- se tiendra (will be held)
- sera planifiée (will be planned)
- sera annulée (will be cancelled)
- sera annoncée (will be announced)
Answer Key
Question 1 — Choice 3
Question 2 — Choice 1
Question Type 2: Choose the Best Answer
Format: Candidates read a text and select the option that best answers the related question.
Example Question:
5 mai : Déjeuner-causerie sur l’ergonomie, 65, avenue Guigues, de 11 h 45 à 13 h, Salon de la collaboration
Un ergothérapeute de la compagnie Medics vous renseignera sur la bonne position à adopter afin d’éviter de développer des maladies professionnelles. De plus, cette séance d’information sera diffusée par Internet pour vous permettre d’y avoir accès à partir de votre poste de travail. Si vous avez des questions, il vous sera également possible de les poser en direct à notre expert. On vous attend en grand nombre!
May 5th: Ergonomics lunch talk, 65 Guigues Avenue, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Collaboration Salon.
An ergotherapist from the company Medics will inform you about the correct posture to adopt to prevent occupational diseases. Moreover, this information session will be broadcast online, allowing you to access it from your workstation. If you have any questions, you will also have the opportunity to ask them directly to our expert. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
Question 1
Selon le texte ci-dessus:
(According to the text above:)
- Les places pour participer à cette causerie sont limitées. (The places to participate in this talk are limited.)
- L’expert pourra poser des questions aux participants. (The expert will be able to ask questions to the participants.)
- On pourra assister à la séance d’information sans se déplacer. (One can attend the information session without having to travel.)
- Il faudra envoyer ses questions à la compagnie Medics. (Questions will need to be sent to the Medics company.)
Question 2
Quel est le but du texte?
(What is the purpose of the text?)
- Informer au sujet d’une causerie relative à la santé et à la sécurité au travail et des façons d’y participer. (To inform about a talk related to health and safety at work and ways to participate in it.)
- Annoncer aux employés qu’on les attend à la présentation d’un ergothérapeute. (To announce to employees that they are expected at the presentation of an ergotherapist.)
- Annoncer aux employés que la séance se fera par Internet et qu’ils pourront poser des questions. (To announce to employees that the session will be conducted online and that they will be able to ask questions.)
- Annoncer aux employés qu’on leur permet d’assister à une séance d’information. (To announce to employees that they are allowed to attend an information session.)
Answer Key
Question 3 — Choice 3
Question 4 — Choice 1
Prepare with Expert Online Tutors
Over the past 20 years, LRDG has guided more than 50,000 learners toward bilingual proficiency with an industry-leading 90% SLE test success rate.
LRDG offers government-approved SLE testing & training, which leverages a highly efficient and flexible blend of self-study through its online learning platform and virtual tutoring sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the SLE Reading Test?
The SLE reading test is a component of Canada’s Second Language Evaluation known as the Test of Reading Comprehension. It is designed to assess a candidate’s comprehension of workplace-related texts in a second language. It features multiple-choice questions in both supervised and unsupervised formats.
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